TRUE Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention is about knowing the REAL causes. A few key things you can do to prevent breast cancer:
1. Use thermography for testing
2. Reduce Bra Wearing
3. Use Chemical Free Deodorant
4. Take 200 mcg Selenium daily
5. Check and maintain Iodine levels
6. Drink Water and Exercise!!
Cancer Crackdown is a non-profit that assists natural cancer fighters. We provide free coaching, navigation and supplement support. We need your support to continue to assist the brave heroes choosing natural therapies. Please help us by donating, shopping on our store and by sharing our information!!
$350 provides a cancer fighter with:
-Free 1 Hour Consult with Tara Mann
-1 Hour Consult with cancer expert and Tara
-Follow up support and consult as needed
-One Month Supply of Supplements
$200 provides a cancer fighter with:
-Free 1 Hour Consult with Tara Mann
-1 Hour Consult with cancer expert and Tara.
-Follow up support and consult as needed
$150 provides a cancer fighter with:
-Monthly Supplement Maintenance
-Continued Follow Up and Support
Donate: or
Donate directly here:
Let’s Raise TRUE awareness and funds that make a difference and do not fund expensive salaries and large offices.
About Us
CEO and Co-Founders Story
Cancer Crackdown Store: Shop.CancerCrakdown.Org
As the inventor of a technology from plants
From organicly raised and processed natural dyes for textiles,apparel,home textiles
paints and stains , I truly understand and am committed to Tara’s story. To launch my technology globally I had to go up against the largest and most dangerous chemical companies. I after 5 years succeeded.
I was diagnosed in March of Kidney cancer
I had my left kidney out but no chemo or radiation. I want to get in touch w Tara as I would like significant proceeds from my company to go to your Organization.
I too have a very similar story but I prevailed.
With Love and Compassion Suzanne
760 898-1891 Palm Springs ca.