In case you are noticing any of these signs and symptoms you may be suffering from a congested lymph system:

– Ovarian cysts

– Breast sensitivity

– Swelling in feet or hands

– Frequent allergies

– Frequent headaches

– Cellulite

– Water retention

– Unexplained fatigue

– Chronic colds

– Outbreaks of skin tags or moles

– Arthritis

– Bloating and gas

– Cancer

– Wrinkled skin

– Constipation

– Eczema

– Autoimmune diseases

As you can see the list is long and it can indicate some other conditions too, so you need to be careful before you jump to conclusions.

What Exactly Is The Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is a system in the body that is created to remove the cellular waste from the body. In addition, it also plays an important role in the immune system. Lymph vessels are the main component in the lymphatic system and these vessels transfer the lymph fluid from extremities to the lymph ducts where after a short period of time they are left in the veins and mix with blood.

This system is not triggered by some pump (like the blood system). It uses muscle contractions to move around the body. Lymph nodes are another important part of this system. These nodes are essential part of the immune system and they locate, capture and process toxins and other harmful particles.

In cases of infection, the lymph nodes usually become swollen because the body “automatically” transfers back bacteria to the nodes where they need to be eliminated with the help of white blood cells.

In addition, the lymphatic system is not only a system responsible for fighting diseases and disorders, it also helps with the process of returning fats, proteins and carbs back into circulation.

Why Do We Need To Purify Our Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system can become slow, thick and congested over some period of time and this can happen for various reasons. In cases like this, the lymph fluid doesn’t move through the body in the way it is supposed to and the body doesn’t process the unwanted particles in the right way. If this flow is not proper, the thick fluid can become a fertile ground for various infections.

Many studies have confirmed that the lymphatic system that is not working properly becomes the main reason of spreading of cancer because cancer cells from a primary tumor can become trapped inside the lymph nodes or lymph vessels or they can even start spreading in opposition to lymph flow because it is congested which ultimately results in secondary tumors.

The good news is that purifying/cleansing the lymphatic system on a daily basis or at least periodically can help the occurrence of cellulite, chronic inflammation, digestive problems, fatty deposits, water retention and degenerative disorders.

How to Create A Proper Working Lymphatic System?

You want rebounding as part of your cancer fighting protocol for many reasons.  It stimulates the movement of the lymphatic system immediately.

Dry skin brush:
Take a natural bristle brush and use it on your extremities and go toward the heart by performing circular movements. In this way you will improve lymphatic flow, encourage circulation and purify the system through the skin.

Clean alkaline diet:
Stop eating processed junk foods, increase the amount of water intake, consume more fresh fruits and vegetables every day and include lots of fiber and healthy omega 3 fats in your diet.

Every physical activity stimulates the lymphatic flow, but practicing low impact exercises like brisk walking, rebounding and yoga for example, will work the best.

Deep breathing:
Breathing properly is another important thing that will not only improve your lymphatic flow (by improving circulation and oxygen flow), but it will also help you get rid of stress which is one of the main contributors in improper lymph movement. Stress generates toxins which must be eliminated through the lymphatic system.

Tensed muscles can obstruct the lymphatic flow too. With the help of massage, you can ease the tension and improve lymphatic flow.

Lymph Cleanse Recipe:
Dry skin brush for around five minutes during hot bath.
Add one cup of baking soda, one cup of Epsom salts and about 20 drops of grapefruit essential oil to running water.
Soak your body in the hot water for about 30 minutes. Try to stay in a very hot water (as hot as you can stand).
After the procedure is finished, drink about 16 ounces of water (room temperature) with a juice made from half a fresh squeezed lemon.

Click here for more information on Lymph Cleanse and Detoxifying.

More information on Rebounding:   How To Rebound

Cancer And Rebounding


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