Our Cancer Mentors

Ty Bollinger

Author | Cancer Researcher

Charlene Bollinger

Author | Cancer Researcher

Chris Wark

Cancer Survivor | Cancer Coach

Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D., N.D., C.N.C.

Chief Medical Officer

Marcy Jimenez

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Veronique DeSaulniers, D.C.

Author | Cancer Conqueror, Empowering Women Around The Globe

Robert Scott Bell

Homeopath | Author | The Robert Scott Bell Radio Show

Dr. Daniel Nuzum, D.O., N.D.

Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Medical Acupuncturist and Nutritional Supplement Formulator

Angel Howerton

Cancer Survivor | Holistic Counselor

Dr. Tondora, N.M.D.

Naturopathic Medical Doctor

Valerie Warwick

RN | Cancer Coach


Kathleen Blake

Gerson Therapy Survivor/Expert | Gerson Therapy Support Group Admin (9,000 people)
Kathlene’s Story

Marlene Ivette, M.A. M.H.R.T.

Holistic Practitioner

Our Cancer Mentors are made up of:  Doctors (MD, ND), Practitioners, Cancer Coaches, Authors, Survivors and partnering cancer organizations.  With their support and assistance, we provide an extensive and thorough team of support from the top cancer minds in the country.  This assistance is especially valuable to those who would not be able to have access to this type of support.

Thank you to our Cancer Mentors!!!  We Love Fighting With You!!!


Your support is important to Cancer Crackdown.  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help natural cancer fighters in need..

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